Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Caption Action

This is an excerpt from Team-Building Activities for the Digital Age.


This activity gives participants the chance to explore different perspectives as they attempt to create images to fit a provided caption that is intentionally ambiguous; thus this activity is the inverse of A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words. The ultimate goal here is to help group members see how people can interpret the same prompt (in this case, a caption) very differently—a useful exercise to help groups learn to celebrate differences among one another in the group.


In preparation for this activity, create 8 to 10 captions for hypothetical pictures. For example: “Man eating plant,” “The incredible shrinking team,” “A dime a dozen,” “Surf’s up, dude!” To begin the activity, have participants form groups of three or four members each and provide each group with the list of captions. The task for each group is to take a picture to fit each caption. Images should not be offensive and should creatively fit the substance of the provided caption. When all groups have created their images, have them upload their images to a computer from which they can be shown to the full group via an LCD projector. Each group should present its image for each caption.


Different perspectives: Even when reading the same words, people can interpret them very differently. This activity encourages participants to express their creativity and interpret language in a way that makes sense to them. Even if some images are the same or very similar, each group’s perspective (e.g., interpretation of the caption or the image selected) will be different. These different perspectives should be discussed and embraced.


Camera or camera phone for each group, computer, LCD projector


Groups of 3 or 4


Processing for this activity begins with having each group share its pictures; along the way, the other groups guess which caption a given picture represents.

* Which picture fit its caption best?

* Which picture was the most original?

* Which picture did you need to have explained to you in order for you to understand the caption? Why?

* Did any of the groups create the same pictures? If so, what was it about the relevant image(s) that made this happen?

* What went into the development of your group’s pictures?

* How did your identity and your personal history influence your creation of pictures for the captions?

* How do different perspectives create growth within groups?

* How do different perspectives create difficulties within groups? How can these difficulties be resolved productively?

Go Wireless!

Using your list of created captions, ask the small groups to create a still image using only the members of the group. This can be done in a variety of ways: groups can pose themselves, draw the scene, and so on. When all groups have completed the activity, have them present their images for each caption. During these presentations, each group should guess which caption matches a given still image.


Have participants form groups of three or four members each, then have each group create five or six captions that could describe a hypothetical image (start by providing an example or two). Next, the members of each group should create a picture to fit each caption, either by taking a picture or by creating their own image using any medium except any form of drawing (which they would then take a picture of). For instance, a group might find several objects and create a sculpture that represents the caption; members of another group might use their bodies to create an image. The images should be inoffensive and should fit the substance of the associated caption. When all groups have completed the activity, have them upload their images to a computer from which they can be projected via an LCD projector. Each group should present its image for each caption.

1 comment:

  1. Explore 8 Digital team building activities that can help remote workers feel connected to their team and the overall company culture. These activities are easy to implement and engage your team also improve bonding & communication within remote team members.
