Thursday, April 29, 2010


For full explanation and processing questions see: Team-building Activities for the Digital Age: Using Technology to Develop Effective Groups/experts



Prior to the activity, remind participants to bring pictures on their phone or digital camera. To begin the activity itself, have participants form groups of three or four members each, then use an LCD projector to post a list of 15 to 20 picture categories for each group to match with images stored on its members’ phones or other electronic devices. For example:

-someone in costume
-person & pet
-athletic picture
-"wouldn't be my profile picture"
-holiday picture
-kissing picture
-picture of someone else in the room
-WHO DAT picture (or college/university sports picture)
-baby picture
-nature scene
-picture with parents
-birthday/celebration picture

Give the groups about 20 minutes to find as many of the requested pictures as possible. Group members can be creative in searching for photos (e.g., search online for a picture), and it is acceptable for a group to take pictures on the spot to fit into a given category. However, do not suggest this idea to the groups; they should be allowed to make interpretations on their own. At the end of the 20 minutes (or earlier, if all groups have finished), state the name of a picture category and ask each group to show its image for that category. Images can be uploaded to a computer and viewed through an LCD projector or simply viewed from each phone or electronic device. For each appropriate image, give the group 1 point.